
PhD student awarded at the 22º SICEM

The PhD student Aylanna Priscila Marques de Araújo, supervised by Prof. Dr. Piter Gargarella, was awarded for the best oral presentation in the 22º Symposium in Materials Science and Engineering (SICEM) that was held online on October 19-23 2020.

UFSCar is accredited as an EMBRAPII unit

The Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar) was accredited as a unit of the Brazilian Company for Industrial Research and Innovation (EMBRAPII). EMBRAPII UFSCar will carry-out RD&I in Sustainable Materials and Processes with the participation of PPGCEM.

PhD student awarded at the XVIII SBPMat Conference

The student Cristie Luis Kugelmeier received the Bernhard Gross award for the best oral presentation at the symposium “Advances in steel metallurgy and applications” of the XVIII Congress of the Brazilian Society for Research in Materials (SBPMat).

PPGCEM faculty published a new book on Polymer Science

Professor Sebastião V. Canevarolo Jr. published a new book “Polymer Science: A Textbook for Engineers and Technologists”. The book is aimed at undergraduate and graduate students as well as professionals in the areas of engineering and exact sciences.

PPGCEM faculty received the ABPol Professor Eloisa Mano Award

Professor Luiz Antonio Pessan received the ABPol Professor Eloisa Mano Award granted by the Brazilian Polymer Association (ABPol) and delivered at the 15th Brazilian Polymer Congress (15 CBPol), held from 27 to 31 October, 2019, in Bento Gonçalves, RS, Brazil.

PPGCEM faculty organized the 15th CBPol

Prof. Leonardo Bresciani Canto was the Scientific Coordinator of the 15th Brazilian Polymer Conference (15 CBPol) held in Bento Gonçalves, RS, Brazil, from October 27 to 31, 2019.

Alfred W. Allen International Award for best publication in the field of ceramic materials for high temperature application

The paper entitled “On the nonlinear behavior of Young´s modulus of carbon-bonded alumina at high temperatures” by Bruno Luchini, Victor C. Pandolfelli and co-authors published in the Journal of the American Ceramic Society received the Alfred W. Allen 2021 award from the American Ceramic Society for the best publication in 2018-2020 in the area of ​​ceramic materials for high temperature application.

Prof. Zanotto synthesizes new glasses using artificial intelligence

The research group headed by Prof. Edgar Dutra Zanotto, coordinator of the Laboratory of Vitreous Materials (LaMaV) at UFSCar and the Center for Research, Education and Innovation in Glasses (CeRTEV), produced using artificial intelligence techniques two novel glass compositions with properties suitable for manufacturing of lenses for computer cameras and cell phones.