PhD student awarded at the XVIII SBPMat Conference

The student Cristie Luis Kugelmeier received the Bernhard Gross award for the best oral presentation at the symposium “Advances in steel metallurgy and applications” of the XVIII Congress of the Brazilian Society for Research in Materials (SBPMat).

Cristie Luis Kugelmeier received the Bernhard Gross award (in honor of the pioneer of Brazilian materials research) for the best oral presentation in the symposium “Advances in steel metallurgy and applications” at the 18th Conference of the Brazilian Materials Research Society (SBPMat), held in Balneário Camboriú, SC, from September 22 to 26, 2019. The SBPMat congress is an international forum dedicated to recent advances and perspectives in materials science and technology. It includes the participation of several Latin American Research Societies in Materials. The study entitled “Effect of thermal aging at high temperature on the corrosion resistance of lean duplex stainless steel 2404” is the result of his doctoral research, supervised by Prof. Carlos Albero Della Rovere from PPGCEM. More information can be obtained on the event website: