
The PPGCEM/UFSCar mission is to train masters and doctors capable of proposing and facing with intellectual independence new challenges in materials science and engineering, contributing in a sustainable way to scientific, technological, economic and social development.

In order to map the efficiency of PPGCEM in the training of professionals with the above-described profile, annual surveys of the positions occupied by graduates of PPGCEM have been made. These surveys have been carried out by using various electronic means, mainly using data extracted from facebook, linkedin and webpages.

Over its 44 years, the PPGCEM has graduated 996 masters and 490 doctors, totaling 1486 titled students (data from December 2023). Of these 1486 titled students, 351 attended both master's and doctoral degrees in the program, resulting in 1135 graduates. The survey covered 1086 graduates (95%).

With regards to the workplace, the survey recorded that approximately 55% of graduates work in teaching and research while the others in the industrial sector. The balanced performance of PPGCEM graduates in academia and industry is due to the training of professionals with scientific, technological and innovation skills.

Graduates by Workplace

In respect to the position, the survey registered that PPGCEM graduates occupy prominent positions in scientific and technological areas.

Graduates by Position

In view of the destination country, the survey registered that 986 graduates work in Brazil (91%) and 100 abroad (9%), highlighting both the national and international insertion of the program.

Graduates by Country

In short, PPGCEM graduates have assumed leadership and prominent positions in universities, research centers, companies and industries, both in Brazil and abroad, attending the objectives of the program.

Click on here to get the complete list of the former students (.pdf 492 Kb).