E. Zanotto Symposium” on Glass - Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB)
As part of the UN International Year of Glass (IYOG) and to welcome Prof. Edgar D. Zanotto of CerTEV-DEMa/UFSCar, Brazil, as an “Excellence Chair” visitor, Prof. Stéphane Godet of the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Belgium, has organized a symposium on recent advances in glass science and technology. The symposium was attended by researchers from Belgium and France and was funded by the ULB and Asahi Glass Company (AGC) Europe.
The program listed below included invited speakers from universities, research centers, and industries in Belgium, France, and Brazil.
APRIL 21, 2022
-Welcome Lunch / Introduction - Stéphane Godet, ULB, Belgium
-Welcome to the age of glass – E.D. Zanotto, CeRTEV-DEMa/UFSCar, Brazil
-ATC research center & new glass for chemical tempering – François Boland - AGC, Belgium
-Optical properties of LLPS glasses - Kevin Przepiora, AGC/ULB, Belgium
-Amorphous phase separation in thin films - Barbara Bouteille, Saint-Gobain, France
-Stress corrosion cracking in phase separated glasses - Laure Chomat, CEA, France
-Heterogeneities, nanocrystals and nanolites- Laurent Cormier, IMPMC, France
APRIL 22, 2022
-Welcome, Stéphane Godet, ULB, Belgium
-Experimental, theoretical, and atomistic simulations of nucleation in SCLs – E.D. Zanotto
-Glass-ceramics for piezoelectric applications- Maurice Gonon - UMONS, Belgium
-AM of glass and ceramics – Dominique Hautcoeur - CRIBC, Belgium
-Redox state of melts at high temperature - Daniel Neuville, IPGP, France
-High pressures / atomic motion and structure in met glasses - Antoine Cornet, ILM, France
-IR transparent GRIN lenses through controlled crystallization - Laurent Calvez, Rennes, FR
The overall feeling was that glass science and technology have significantly evolved in the past few decades. University/research center/industry collaboration has been one of the critical factors for such accomplishment. However, there are still a plethora of relevant open issues and opportunities. For all its gigantic relevance to our lives and its bright future, glass deserves to have its own UN year!